
Token Solutions


Terms & Conditions


Effective 1 January 2019

"Coinz" is a registered trading name of Charge 2 Limited.

Terms & Conditions Table Of Contents:


You acknowledge and agree that by checking the "I Agree/Accept" box when opening your Coinz Account, you agree to abide by the following Terms & Conditions concerning your use of the Coinz Service.

If there is any part of these Terms & Conditions, which you do not understand or require clarification on, please contact our Customer Support Centre on +44 (0)844 561 6415 or e-mail customer services.


It is a condition of having a Coinz Account that you agree to these Terms & Conditions, which will form a legally binding contract once you become a Coinz Account Holder.

We may modify these Terms & Conditions from time to time and such modifications shall be effective upon posting by us on the Coinz website. We will inform Coinz Account Holders by e-mail about such modifications. If you do not agree with such modifications you have the right to terminate your Account with Coinz. You agree to be bound to any changes to these Terms & Conditions when you use the Coinz Service(s) after the modification(s) have been posted for at least one month. It is therefore important that you review these Terms & Conditions regularly to ensure that you are updated as to any changes.

The contents of the Coinz website, including the text, graphics, images, information and any other material are to be used for information purposes only.

Coinz Service

You acknowledge that:

  1. Coinz is not a Bank;
  2. Coinz Accounts are not insured by any Government Agency;
  3. Coinz does not act as a trustee, fiduciary or escrow holder in respect of balances in your Account;
  4. Coinz does not pay you interest on any balances in your Coinz Account.

Coinz provides a tradable online currency using a Stored Value Account, which enables you to pay for online goods and services on affiliated Coinz Merchant websites. The Coinz Account provides a secure prepaid account that stores the value of money in an online currency and offers a simple, secure and anonymous method of payment.

To set-up a Coinz Account you must complete the simple registration process. Coinz protects your personal and credit information and these details are never exposed to any affiliated websites. Coinz tokens can be purchased to credit your Account and this must be done by method of card payment.

A Coinz Account can only hold a maximum amount of €150 (approximately $200 or £130) at any given time. If your Account reaches €150 ($200/£130) you will receive e-mail notification of the automatic transfer of $100 (or foreign currency exchange equivalent of € or £) into your specified Bank Account via BACS or a cheque will be issued to you. The transfer of funds will be made according to the preferred method of outpayment you have selected. This transfer of funds is subject to a transfer fee – please refer to the "Redeeming Coinz" section of these Terms & Conditions.


In order to set-up a Coinz Account, you represent and warrant that:

  1. You are 18 years of age or older or have parental/guardian consent;
  2. You open an Account in accordance with the instructions set out in the "Create a Coinz Account" section of our website;
  3. All registration and bank information you submit is truthful and accurate;
  4. You will maintain the accuracy of such information;
  5. You will not be in default of any Terms or Use;
  6. You have not had any previous Coinz Account closed by us.

You may not open more than one Coinz Account and we may terminate any or all of the Accounts of a Coinz Account Holder who has, or whom we reasonably suspect has, multiple Coinz Accounts.

When you sign-up for a Coinz Account, you will be asked to choose a password. You are entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password. You agree not to use the Coinz Account of another Coinz Account Holder at any time or disclose your password to any third party. You agree to notify Coinz immediately if you suspect any unauthorised use of your Account or access to your password. You are solely responsible for any and all use of your Account.

Coinz Account Holder

To become a Coinz Account Holder, you must open an Account by completing all requested information set out in the "Create a Coinz Account" section of our website. An Account Holder must maintain an active address, phone number and e-mail address to become and remain a Coinz Account Holder.

You will not provide any false, inaccurate, incomplete or misleading information. You will not provide any name, bank account or credit card that you are not legally authorized to use. You may not permit any other person to use your Coinz Account. You will promptly update your Account details on the Coinz website if your name, address, e-mail address, phone number, credit card or bank account information changes. Failure to do so will result in suspension of your Account. You will not be able to continue using the Coinz Service until you have satisfactorily passed all of our necessary identity and security validation and verification checks.

It is your responsibility to keep your Coinz Account identification, secure identification, password and other information specific to your Account confidential and in a safe and secure place. This includes ensuring the ongoing security of your log-in details on your personal computer device for accessing the Internet. Should another person gain access to your Account by passing all security validation checks, we may at our discretion treat any transaction conducted by that person as valid and we are not responsible under any circumstances for any loss or damage you may incur as a result.

You are fully responsible for any goods or services bought by you that are settled via the use of your Coinz Account. Any dispute with a Merchant regarding any product or service bought by you through via the Coinz service is between you and the Merchant and you agree that Coinz shall not be party to such dispute. Coinz does not provide any warranties, conditions or guarantees with respect to such goods or services.

You are fully responsible for the information and instructions, which you provide Coinz with, and a result we may not be able to detect errors in your payment instructions.

You acknowledge and agree that with exception for Merchant error as confirmed by Coinz, illegal activity involving your Account, or any breach by you of these Terms & Conditions, all Coinz purchases or redemptions are final and not reversible. Coinz cannot refund your Coinz Account where you believe the purchase or redemption was made in error.

Creating and Charging a Coinz Account

By opening an Account, Coinz Account Holders will be able to:

  1. Purchase Coinz to be credited to your Account so that you can make payments to Coinz Merchants, and receive transfers from Coinz;
  2. Redeem Coinz from your Account;
  3. Receive Promotional Coinz from affiliated Merchants to be spent on their respective websites.

The currency of your Coinz Account is USD ($). When you charge-up your Account you will be charged in USD. The value of funds held in your Coinz Account will vary from time to time in line with the Coinz published US Dollar exchange rate.

Coinz tokens to credit your Account can only be purchased by method of card payment.


You acknowledge and accept that there are two types of Coinz currency:

  1. Coinz – These are the "standard" Coinz, which can be purchased to credit your Coinz Account or earned as a Content Provider (sometimes referred to as "Royalty" Coinz). These Coinz tokens carry a monetary value of 1 Coinz token = $0.01.

  2. Loyalty Coinz – These are Coinz, which can be allocated by affiliated Coinz Merchants. These Loyalty Coinz can only be redeemed on the respective Merchant website who has allocated you the Coinz. Loyalty Coinz do not carry a monetary value for the Coinz Account Holder and cannot be redeemed.

Your online Coinz Account will differentiate between these two types of Coinz and indicate your balance of each.

Redeeming Coinz

Coinz Account Holders may redeem all or a portion of their "standard" Coinz.

"Standard" Coinz can be redeemed for an equivalent monetary value (1 Coinz = $0.01). A Coinz Account Holder can specify which currency ($/£/€) they wish to be paid in and the method of payment and the value depends on the exchange rate published by Coinz on the day of redemption.

CoinZ redemption payments can be made in USD ($), GBP (£) or EUR (€).

Payment can be made via the following methods:

  • BACS (7 Days)
  • Cheque (7 Days plus postage time)

You acknowledge and accept that each Coinz redemption payment method is subject to a transfer fee. Applicable fees are indicated within the Coinz website or on the web page prior to you completing the redemption transaction. The transfer fee will be deducted from your "standard" Coinz balance with the equivalent number of Coinz tokens. If you have any queries relating to transfer fees, please contact our Customer Services Team.

Coinz reserves the right to change the redemption transfer fee from time to time. Updates and notification of this will be posted within our website and indicated on the applicable web page prior completion of your transaction.

Loyalty Coinz cannot be redeemed and may only be spent on the respective Merchant issuer's website.

Account Holder Obligations

Without limiting the foregoing, you will not use your Coinz Account or Coinz Services for any of the following activities:

  1. Using the Coinz Service for any purpose contrary to laws, statutes or regulations applicable to you, including without limitation, those concerning money laundering, fraud, criminal activity, financial services or consumer protection;
  2. Criminal or tortuous activity, including child pornography, fraud, trafficking in obscene material, drug dealing, gambling, harassment, stalking, spamming, spimming, sending viruses or other harmful files, copyright infringement, patent infringement, or theft of trade secrets;
  3. Harassing or engaging in obscene, rude, or abusive behaviour against us or any of our affiliate Merchants;
  4. Tampering, hacking, modifying, damaging, interfering with or otherwise corrupting the security or functionality of the Coinz service.


Coinz is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. The Coinz Privacy Policy forms part of these Terms & Conditions and we ask you to review this policy prior to agreeing to these Terms & Conditions - View our Privacy Policy.

You acknowledge and agree that:

  1. When speaking to our Customer Service Team, your call may be monitored and/or recorded for quality assurance purposes and security and fraud protection purposes;
  2. For security and fraud protection purposes your records are kept and held by Coinz following closure of your Coinz Account.

Coinz Account Suspension or Termination

You acknowledge that at the discretion of Coinz, we may temporarily suspend or terminate your Account, at any given time and for any reason, including but not limited to the following:

  1. Breach of any of these Terms & Conditions;
  2. If we have reasonable grounds to believe that your Coinz Account has been used in connection with unauthorised or unusual credit card or bank account use;
  3. Receipt in your Coinz Account of any potentially fraudulent funds;
  4. If we believe that your Coinz Account has been used in or to facilitate any financial crime activity;
  5. Your refusal to cooperate in an investigation when requested;
  6. If we believe that your Coinz Account, whether it be active or terminated, poses a security or fraud risk;
  7. To comply with money laundering investigations issued by Government authorities.

If we do terminate your Coinz Account, we will notify you either by telephone or e-mail which you have provided us with.

Limitation of Liability

We disclaim any and all liability for any goods or services purchased by you through the use of your Coinz Account.


T. +44 (0)844 561 6415

Charge 2 Limited,
Unit 2
Station Court
Station Road
Great Shelford
CB22 5NE
United Kingdom